Sunday, February 24, 2013

Blast from the Past

¡Bon día!

Well it hasn't even been a week and I already feel like I have done so much. Having explored the town and city, gone to three small groups, two church services, and a Calçotada within the past few days, I have already had some great experiences! 

First, I know that I have already talked about Vilassar de Mar (the town I am living in), BUT I finally went around and took some pictures so people would actually know what it looks like. 

One of the Main streets in Vilassar

Houses facing the Mediterranean Ocean

The Beach! (Where much of my running will take place)

Like I said before, it is a cool little town with a lot of culture and Catalonian pride. On Saturday, I went to my old stomping grounds in the old part of Barcelona and got to reminisce on when I studied there. I had a great time and walked to many familiar places. One place that I never had the chance to go to was Palau Güell, which was just down the street from our dorms. In 2011, when I studied abroad in Barcelona, it was closed the entire time due to renovations. I saw it was open this time and decided to stop and see it! It is pretty amazing and is one of Antoní Gaudí's first works in Barcelona!

Palau Güell Main Entrance

Main Staircase
One of the living spaces

Gaudí's Infamous Chimney's 

Back terrace window detail

Main living space that could double as a religious space

The dome over the main living space

I also went to the old bull ring in Barcelona that was converted to a shopping mall in 2011 and opened basically the same week that we left for the U.S. Bullfighting is illegal in Barcelona (and the state it is in) so they found a new use for the space. Pretty sweet!
Exterior of Arenas Mall
Interior Structure
Rooftop Terrace!

Saturday was a fun day of exploring, riding the metro/train, and thinking about the time I spent here two years ago. However, I know it is not the point of my trip this time. It is great to see all the sites and cool things, but this time I am here for a lot more. I had a great week of meeting new people and starting new relationships within the Christian community. Today was the first day that I got to see the entire church meet and it was truly moving. Our God really is a God of ALL nations. I know we say that all the time, but do we ever really think about it? Worship can happen in any language and change can within someone's heart and soul can happen in any country. It all depends on Jesus moving within. I am excited and expectant for what God will do during my stay in Vilassar. Not only through me in what I say and do, but also in me, that I will learn something from His people here.

The Lord reigns forever; he has established his throne for judgment. He rules the world in righteousness and judges the peoples with equity. The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Sing the praises of the Lord, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done. 
Psalm 9:7-11

Until next time...

Un abrazo,
Micah 6:8

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Back with a New Purpose

Over two years have passed since I was studying architecture in the amazing city of Barcelona, and I as I returned on Tuesday afternoon, the scene was just as great as I remember it. After an exhausting trek, in which I have now been awake for over 30 hours, I have finally made it to my home for the next couple of months: Vilassar de Mar. An immediate difference I noticed as we pulled in, was the laid back nature of this small town as compared to the crazy hustle and bustle of being in the center of Barcelona. Families strolling, children playing in empty streets, and the sun beaming over the top of the apartment buildings (pictures to come). I think to myself: I am going to like it here. I got a walking tour of the town and our church from my hosts, Krista and Edu, who have already been so welcoming and hospitable, and even had hot chocolate at a cafeteria which blows our version out of the water. Think a very thin warm chocolate syrup. :)

After a successful but tiring day one, I am encouraged by a couple of things. Last time I was here, school was the main focus. This time, investing time in the locals and their community and introducing them to Jesus is the main purpose. I couldn't be more pumped about it.

This verse has been one that God is really stressing on me lately:

"Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears with hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'"
Isaiah 30:20-12

Until next time...

Un abrazo,
Micah 6:8