Sunday, December 19, 2010

About 19 days till departure.

Journal (n)- a daily record, as of occurrences, experiences, or observations

Yes, I have a blog/journal/diary, or whatever else you want to call it. I never thought that I would ever create one of these, because, honestly, the only thing I could ever write about was how my day went or what I had eaten each meal. Interesting? Not exactly. I haven't ever really taken the time to read anyone else's, so why would the read mine? But as I am about to spend a semester away, I thought now would be the time to share with people what I was up to. I guess being in a foreign country makes people interested or something... ;)

As I create this "thing", I really hope that you enjoy it. Not just as something you read, but also that you might experience what I experience while I am gone. The Lord has blessed me with such an amazing opportunity and I intend to let him take the reigns and show me what he needs me to be.

I guess that's it for now, I leave you with a common Spanish farewell...

Un abrazo,

Micah 6:8